Cabeçalho Conteúdo


Performance in culture: We encourage the Arts and Culture - Petrobras

Performance in culture

To us, culture is energy too. A powerful energy that moves society by means of creativity and inspiration, promoting growth and change. We support Brazilian culture as a transforming and driving force for development.

Petrobras Cultural

Through the Petrobras Cultural program, we sponsor innovative and excellent projects in different regions of Brazil. We select projects that, in addition to their cultural merit, can help us build the best experiences. Our lines of action are Performing Arts, Music, Audiovisual, and Multiple Expressions.

Learn more about Petrobras Cultural here. (available only in Portuguese)

Petrobras Cultural for kids

We believe that curiosity is the energy of discovery and that we can transform the future through it. Several studies emphasize the importance of children’s life experience beginning from their cultural insertion, from birth to the age of six.  Access and being entitled to art and culture as manifestations of the collective in which the child is inserted expand their universe of experience and learning. Thus, through the Petrobras Cultural for Children segment, we encourage cultural initiatives that arouse curiosity as a principle of knowledge.