Cabeçalho Conteúdo


Technology and Innovation

Technological innovation and development are the pillars of our activities. We are only able to overcome our challenges and prepare for the future because we have highly qualified technical staff and technological resources that allow us to anticipate scenarios, diversify power generation, generate results that can be applied directly to our activities, anticipate trends, and take advantage of opportunities for innovation, making our business increasingly sustainable.

Our strategic choices with a technological focus are:

Process safety and plant and equipment integrity and reliability

Technologies and practices that increase process safety, integrity management capacity, and facility and equipment reliability, favoring the processes' operational continuity.

Protection of the company's value in environmental and social matters

Technologies and practices that allow for compliance with the environmental and social legislation and guarantee the operational continuity of the Company's assets, with the optimization of the associated costs.

Opening of new exploratory frontiers

Assurance of technical skills and technology availability to support the exploratory effort.

Reduce the risk of investment decisions associated with reservoir uncertainty

Technologies that contribute to reducing reservoir uncertainties, promoting integration, increasing accessibility and reservoir and oil system database quality.

Increased reservoir recovery factor

Technologies and practices that optimize production system design and operation to enable the increase in the reservoir recovery factor.

Reduction of the oil balance price and of the operating cost

Technologies and practices that contribute to improve the profitability of Exploration & Production projects by reducing Capex and Opex over the life of the projects.

Decommissioning of assets

Technologies and practices that allow competitive solutions for the decommissioning of assets and facilities.

Flexibility of the productive chain in downstream

Technologies and practices that allow flexibility from the production chain to downstream, without the addition of Capex in the horizon of the BMP, focusing on the generation of value.

Adding value to downstream products

Technologies and practices that add value to the company's products.

Productive process optimization and efficient energy use

Technologies and practices that contribute to maximize the production chain margin, rational energy use, increased plant productivity and cost optimization.

Integration and optimization of the logistics chain

Technologies and practices to reduce costs and increase revenue, along the entire logistics chain, for upstream and downstream.

Transition to a low carbon matrix

Technologies, competencies, and the identification of new business opportunities in the medium and long term, with the transition to a low carbon energy matrix.


Pioneering PRE-SALT technologies

For the pioneering technologies that we developed for the pre-salt, we were granted the greatest technological recognition that an oil company can get as an offshore operator for the third time: The OTC Distinguished Achievement Award for Companies, Organizations, and Institutions.

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Fundo Fundo
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Created in 1973, the Leopoldo Américo Miguez de Mello Research and Development Center (Cenpes) is one of the most important applied research complexes in the world. Located on the Fundão Island, in Rio de Janeiro, it covers an area of more than 300,000 square meters, with cutting-edge laboratories and simulation and immersion rooms designed to simulate and immerse into energy industry processes and to meet Petrobras business areas' technological demands.

Cenpes' mission is to provide and anticipate technological solutions in products and processes for the Petrobras System. The Leopoldo Américo Miguez de Mello Research and Development Center is one of the power industry's leading research centers in the world.